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JAGUAR gets new hydraulically-driven fronts

Published on 15 October 2021

CLAAS has announced a number of improvements for 2022 delivery JAGUAR 900 Series Forage Harvesters, including the expansion of options for the front attachment drive.

CLAAS Harvest Centre Product Manager – JAGUAR, Luke Wheeler, says the new twin hydraulic drive system is a ‘game changer’ for pickup work. “In addition to the all-mechanical drive and the variable drive used with ORBIS maize front PICK UPs, it is now possible for customers to specify a twin hydraulic drive,” he says. “The twin drive offers particular benefits when working with the PICK UP. With this option, the PICK UP intake auger continues to be driven via the quick-release coupler, and can adjust its speed in accordance with the feed intake rollers, which is dependent on the length of cut setting."

“The all-new hydraulic drive means the speed of the reel can now be automatically adjusted to match ground speed of the harvester independently of the speed of the intake auger. This means the rotational speeds of the pick-up reel and intake auger can be matched exactly to the prevailing harvesting conditions for more consistent crop flow and higher throughput. This is particularly important when harvesting high yielding crops at low ground speeds or vice versa.”

U.S. studies have shown the new hydraulic drive in connection to the new front can increase throughput by up to 13.7% compared with the existing mechanical constant drive in heavy harvesting conditions.

CLAAS will also introduce an app to assist with the management of its factory-fitted forage inoculant dosing system. The app helps the operator to determine the correct dosage settings based on crop yield, crop type, operating width, working speed and the recommended dosage.

“This simple app avoids underdosage, which can have a significant impact on silage quality, and overdosage, which leads to excess use of expensive inoculants,” Luke says. “Once the data has been entered, the operator can implement the recommended settings using the CEBIS terminal. Settings can be adjusted at any point while chopping is underway, for example if the machine is operating faster or slower than originally anticipated.” Operators can decide whether to use the ACTISILER 37 litre tank or the 375 litre water tank and whether dosage is determined in litres per tonne or litres per hectare. The app is available for Android and Apple operating platforms and can be downloaded via

CLAAS has also announced a new water injection system, for difficult harvesting conditions such as high sugar content grass and high dry matter content lucerne. The system automatically injects water into the feeder unit, guide plate area, accelerator and discharge chute whenever there is no crop flow, such as at headlands or during forage trailer change-overs. “This new system helps to stop the build-up of sticky material in crop flow area as well as helping to keep the dry matter sensor or NIR sensor clean,” Luke says. The system is controlled via the CEBIS terminal and utilises the on-board 375 L water tank.

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