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Great results at the world record maize field

Great results at the world record maize field

On April 11-12th, Väderstad Tempo set a new world record by planting 502.05 hectares within 24 hours at a speed of 20-22km/h. Two months later, a strong crop has emerged within the fields in Hungary and the planting precision statistics show impressive results.

Gábor Szávay who is the Farm Director of Enyingi Agrár Zrt, where the world-record occurred, is very positive to the results at the world record fields. In total, the farm operates over 7000 hectares of which 4000 hectares are dedicated to maize this year. After the planting in April, conditions have generally been very dry in western Hungary.
"I am impressed with the results that Väderstad Tempo have accomplished at high speed. Even though the weather have been tough, the world record fields are the strongest looking fields in this region", said Gábor Szávay, Farm Director of Enyingi Agrár Zrt. "Normally, the world-record fields are planted with two 12-row planters from another brand, needing 4-5 days to finish. By then, we do not use to reach as high planting precision as Väderstad Tempo have delivered this year." he adds

High precision

The University of Gödöllő have performed statistical measurements of the plant spacing in the rows, as well as the seeding depth. The university reports a coefficient of variation regarding plant spacing in the rows of 24.3%.
"Having in mind that many planters on the market do not reach such precision, even though planting at half the speed as the world-record Tempo did, we are very pleased", says Mattias Hovnert, Sales & Marketing Director at Väderstad.

During the last weeks, the university have measured over 6800 plants on the world record fields.
"We have analyzed 6808 plants in total, of which we found 24 doubles and 16 skips. These results are very good in spite of the very high planting speed and medium soil preparation conditions", said István Bognár, Assistant professor at the University of Gödöllő.

A double means that the distance between two plants is less than half of the average spacing, while a skip means that the distance between two plants is more than 1.5 times the average spacing.

Very even emergence

Regarding the seeding depth, the measurements from the university shows very even results. Overall, the seed depth only varied by 0.5cm from the selected seed depth of 6cm.
"The result is seen in a very even and strong emergence over the entire field", says Mattias Hovnert, at Väderstad.

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Christchurch 7676, New Zealand
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